Italian habits and food


                its me eating pasta with friends in Rome

Lifestyle Italian habits

Interact with your local shop keeper

In Italy it is not uncommon to go to several different shops on one shopping trip, which allows you to develop a relationship with the people you are buying your stuff from. The upshots of this are numerous.

Firstly, your shopping trip becomes an opportunity to socialize. Why not catch up on the local gossip with your baker?

Secondly, knowing your local shopkeepers makes life easier. Bought a dodgy product? Just swap it, no lengthy wait at the customer service desk. Strapped for cash? Pay next time! At the end of the day, we’re all friends here.


Eating together

They are Not that people don’t eat together in other countries, but in Italy preparing and sharing food together happens all the time.

The biggest difference is that dinner in Italy is not only offered via a formal invite – it often happens spontaneously. Make yourself at home!

Drink less alcohol

Italians do drink – even to excess. But what most Italians consider “excess” is what some people from other cultures might consider “just warming up”.

At the beginning, changing drinking habits can lead to pacing problems when you go out with your friends – but eventually drinking less is kind of a relief. The night lasts longer, you have more money in your pocket and you cringe less as you recall the previous night’s antics.

When you drink is important too – Italians tend to drink with meals or in the evenings. Liquid lunches and post-work pints soon slip by the wayside. Thank goodness for that.

Being Proud of the Local Culture

Whichever beautiful Italian town, city, or village you end up visiting, ask any local, and they will tell you why it’s the best one. Italians are fiercely proud of the place they’re from, and will tell you all about its traditions and food. Local shops always sell the specialties of the region and the shopkeepers will be knowledgeable about each item. This love of local has also meant that markets thrive in Italy, as well as small shops. Going to get your daily groceries from a bustling and vibrant outdoor market is tangibly better for you than wandering up and down the strip-lit rows of an indoor supermarket. This pride in local produce is also a great source of self-confidence, which is beneficial to anyone.



When it comes to pasta, Italy is unrivalled beyond doubt. As the world’s biggest producers and consumers. I think the Italians are probably the only people happy to eat pasta more than once every day.

Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables

This is kind of an obvious one when you do your shopping at the market. For sure, Italy is great when it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables as it offers fantastic produce all year round and lets you keep your diet interesting by eating seasonally.

A diet based on fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables is normal in Italy and being a “locavore” isn’t trendy or hip, it’s just the norm in a country famed for its food.

Their main dishes are:

.Spaghetti al Pomodoro

. Pesto


. Carbonara

. Fettuccine al Pomodoro

. Lasagna

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