Top 8 countries to visit in wintertime


The beauty of Finland is what makes it quite incredible. It has a massive number of places that can be visited by tourists during winter. There are places like Rovaniemi and Lake Saimaa. The beautiful rivers and sizeable natural area in Rovaniemi make it a spot for canoeing, swimming, and fishing. In winter, it is a home for skiers and those who love snow

As the name suggests, Iceland is the home of ice and the abode of beautifully vast and high seas, rivers, and streams. There are several beautiful sites and places that one can call the best places to travel. There are places like Svinafellsjokull Glacier waterfall with its lovely color. It is spectacular to watch during winter because of the beautiful snowbanks around and within it.

When visiting Austria, the first place to go should be Vienna. It is known to be the home of Christmas. The beauty of Vienna is in the music and streets as they lay side by side with snow.

Canada is a beautiful and peaceful place to go to in winter. There are places like Whistler, which is a popular place for skiers. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also a place for sports. The Niagara Falls in Ontario is remarkably charming, with the falling ice in winter and the beautiful colors it displays at night as a result of the light from the city. Another excellent place to visit in Canada during winter is Quebec, which is the birthplace of the famous Quebec winter carnival.

Estonia is a country with over 1500 islands and beautiful forests. The landscape, rivers, streams are the best in winter.

Norway is a country with the best sites for tourism and adventure. The first place to consider is the city of Oslo, apart from it being the capital city, there are several ice ski jumping sites. While there, you can also visit the Oslo opera house.

Most people will be drawn to Switzerland in winter for the snow sports, and that is understandable. But it is only once you are there that you discover the other side to winter culture in this spectacularly beautiful country: the traditional fondue, made with local “alp cheese”, served in old guesthouses; the shots of kirsch, the cherry brandy, to ward against the cold.

their greatest winter attraction: Patagonia with the skies often clear, the countryside blanketed in snow and ice, and the chance of spotting wildlife high. Both Chile and Argentina also offer skiing in winter – in resorts such as Portillo in the former and Bariloche in the latter.

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